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ACME is an independent lifestyle brand from Taipei founded in 2018. Starting as a brunch restaurant & cafe aiming to offer the best brunch experience in town, ACME obtained recognition for its aesthetics and community. At the end of 2021, we expands to include in-house collections, restaurants, cafes, gallery space, and select shops.

生活風格暨餐飲品牌「ACME」,於2018年以早午餐打響名號而後推出咖啡店型「CAFE ACME」,咖啡門市現皆選址於都市難得的清幽地點,提供精緻的歐式早午餐及在地烘焙的好咖啡。從餐飲出發到生活選物,現在更將理念延伸到藝術⼈文,2021年底正式進駐臺北市立美術館園區接續圓山別邸經營權,透過咖啡、藝術持續傳遞ACME品牌精神的不同面向。

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