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2018年於西門開始的ACME|Cafe Bar & Restaurant,以舒適明亮的空間和精緻的歐式早午餐打響名號,奠定在早午餐界的高人氣; 2022年3月結束了西門小香港的營業,原團隊經過緊鑼密鼓的訓練籌備,延續對早午餐的熱情堅持,餐點環境再升級,於世界矚目的臺北表演藝術中心開啟新的篇章,提供BRUNCH LOVER頂級的早午餐體驗!
Starting from Ximen, ACME|Cafe Bar & Restaurant made a name for itself with its comfortable bright space and exquisite European-style brunch, establishing its high popularity in the brunch industry. In March 2022, ACME teams ended the business in Ximen Little Hong Kong. After intensive training and preparations, the original team continues the enthusiasm for brunch, upgrades the dining environment and services, opens a new chapter in the world-renowned Taipei Performing Arts Center, and provides the top brunch experience for BRUNCH LOVER!
餐點再升級 ! 享受臺北頂級早午餐體驗
以全新升級的菜單進駐臺北藝術中心,ACME保留過去於西門最具人氣經典餐點,「班尼迪克鮪魚塔」、「經典草莓無花果法式吐司」和「巴西莓優格碗」,更延長了早午餐供應時間,一路從日出到日落,現在全天都能吃到最喜愛的歐式早午餐 ; 同時新增多款綠葉沙拉、全麥鬆餅,更有多項餐點可做vegan調整,提供更多健康飲食選擇。
Entering the Taipei Arts Center with a new and upgraded menu, ACME retains the most popular classic dishes at Ximen in the past, "SIGNATURE TUNA PATTIES EGG BENEDICT", "STRAWBERRIE FIG FRENCH TOAST" and "ACAI BOWL", and extended the brunch serving time, all the way from sunrise to sunset, now you can eat your favorite European-style brunch all day long. Adding a variety of green leafy salads, whole-wheat muffins, and meals can adjust for vegans, providing more healthy eating options.